Andalan FE Oral Contraceptive Pills Call for Indonesian Women to Take Control of Their Reproductive Health

Jakarta, Indonesia: In a single day, four Indonesian mothers will die giving birth. This means that one woman dies every six hours in this country due to pregnancy or natal issues[1]. This high maternal mortality rate should be of high importance to Indonesian women when considering the significance of their reproductive health. Factors to be considered are family planning by modern contraceptives and maintaining birth spacing by birth planning.

During the Andalan Contraceptive’s event, #AktifTanpaAnemia, Norina Veronica as the Andalan Contraceptives Product Manager said, “If women are able to make decisions regarding themselves, they may improve their health, future, and quality of life. Therefore, this year Andalan Contraceptives promotes #beranimenginsipirasi (brave to inspire) to urge Indonesian women to be brave in making decisions regarding their own bodies, specifically in matters regarding reproductive health.”

“Such decisions are, for example, choosing the right time to have a child, or when to get pregnant, or the number of children they want – and such decisions are based on their own will instead of other people’s opinion,” Norina continued.

In addition to high maternal mortality rates, anemia is also one of the most common health problems suffered by Indonesian women. One of three mothers in Indonesia suffers from anemia. Sixty percent of cases of anemia are caused by a lack of iron[2]. Meanwhile, a mother should be constantly active, so she can perform her many activities in a balanced way.

“To inspire Indonesian mothers to be continuously healthy and active, Andalan FE Oral contraceptive launches #AktifTanpaAnemia (active without anemia) by inviting mothers to plan for a family and also prevent anemia b,y consuming sufficient iron and living a balanced and healthy lifestyle while being active” the Andalan Contraceptives Product Manager explained.

Oral contraceptives are a preferred family planning method among Indonesian women. A gynecologist, Dr. Tirsa Verani, Sp.OG, explains the various benefits of the pill, including:

  • With less than 1% failure rate, oral contraceptives are effective in preventing pregnancy if taken regularly at the same time each day.
  • Consuming these pills can reduce menstrual pain. Some doctors even prescribe the oral contraceptive to lessen pain due to endometriosis.
  • The pills can balance hormones, so they may reduce pimples and do not cause dark spots on the face.
  • It reduces risk of ovarian cancer. New research assessing the health data of 1.9 million 19-to-49-year-old women found that the combined oral contraceptive, which contains the estrogen and progesterone hormones, might decrease ovarian cancer risk by up to 21 percent[3].
  • Oral contraceptives do not interfere with fertility if women stop consuming them when they want to plan a pregnancy.
  • Oral contraceptives are available in a low hormonal composition and are manufactured with an added-value of iron, such as Pil KB Andalan FE. Iron is necessary to reduce the anemia risk for women, specifically during their menstrual period.

Andalan Oral contraceptives have been trusted by millions of women in Indonesia to plan a family. Andalan FE Oral contraceptives can help women remain active and not be concerned with anemia during their menstrual cycle. The iron component (75 mg Ferrous Fumarate) equals to 24.75 mg of natural iron, and assists in the hemopoiesis process by encouraging red blood cell formation. In addition, Andalan FE Oral contraceptive contain hormones of progestin (0.15 mg levonorgestrel) and estrogen (0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol).

As a back up plan in family planning, women can benefit from an emergency contraceptive or Andalan Postpil. It can be taken if women forget to use contraceptives, to get a contraceptive injection, or to take their contraceptive pills. Postpil can protect and prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse without any contraceptives. The Postpil may deliver maximum benefit if it is consumed no later than five days or 120 hours after sexual intercourse. This emergency contraceptive pill contains 0.75 mg progesterone.

In order to inspire more Indonesian women by #AktifTanpaAnemia, the Andalan FE oral contraceptive invited media partners and mom influencers to a fun two-day staycation in Bogor. At the event, participants shared their family planning experiences, favorite contraceptive methods, and other parenting tips.

[1] World Bank’s 2017 Report

[2] Ministry of Health of the RI, 2017

[3] Lisa Iversen, British Medical Journal 2018; 362:k3609

Family Planning, Earlier is Better

Setidaknya ada 80 juta wanita dunia yang mengalami kejadian kehamilan tidak diinginkan per tahun. Sedangkan di Indonesia sendiri, ada sekitar 11,2 juta (14%) kejadian kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan setiap tahunnya. Faktanya, sekitar 41,8% dari kehamilan tidak diinginkan tersebut terjadi pada wanita muda berusia 17 tahun. Hal tersebut mengemuka dalam acara ‘Soirée with Andalan’ dengan tema ‘Family Planning, Earlier is Better’, yang diselenggarakan oleh Kontrasepsi Andalan di Suasana Restaurant, Jakarta.

Dalam acara yang juga ditujukan untuk menyambut perayaan Hari Keluarga Berencana Nasional dan Hari Populasi Sedunia ini, Aditya A. Putra, GM Family Planning & Reproductive Health DKT Indonesiayang juga membawahi Kontrasepsi Andalan mengungkapkan, “Berbicara soal populasi dan KB, tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan pembahasan seputar perencanaan kehamilan. Setiap kehamilan harus merupakan kehamilan yang dikehendaki. Untuk itu, penting bagi wanita muda untuk mengetahui tentang kontrasepsi dan perencanaan kehamilan sebelum memutuskan untuk menikah”.

“Setiap anak berhak mendapatkan kasih sayang yang cukup dari orang tuanya, sehingga kehadirannya perlu dipersiapkan secara matang. Di sisi lain, merupakan hak setiap wanita untuk dapat meraih impian dan cita-citanya. Oleh karena itu, mendorong pengetahuan mengenai kontrasepsi dan perencanaan kehamilan bagi wanita muda merupakan salah satu cara untuk memenuhi hak tersebut,” ujar Aditya menambahkan.

Ditemui dalam kegiatan yang sama, dr. Uf Bagazi, SpOG Spesialis Kandungan Brawijaya Women & Children Hospital menjelaskan “Penggunaan kontrasepsi memberi kekuatan dan hak bagi wanita untuk menjalani hidupnya sesuai dengan mimpi dan cita-citanya. Wanita yang mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik terkait kontrasepsi, maka ia akan mampu untuk menjaga kesehatan reproduksinya, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup, melakukan perencanaan keluarga dengan baik, dan mampu menghasilkan generasi berkualitas”.

Ketika wanita muda mengetahui pentingnya KB dan kontrasepsi sedari awal, banyak manfaat yang akan didapat di antaranya:

  • Terjaganya kesehatan reproduksi sehingga meminimalisir risiko penyakit yang berkaitan dengan organ reproduksi, seperti kanker payudara, kanker serviks dan lain sebagainya.
  • Mencegah terjadinya gangguan fisik dan psikologis akibat kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan,
  • Memiliki persiapan yang matang terkait dengan perencanaan kehamilan,
  • Dapat meningkatkan kualitas diri dan mewujudkan mimpinya, karena mempunyai waktu yang cukup untuk dirinya sendiri.
  • Mempererat hubungan dengan pasangannya,
  • Mampu memiliki waktu untuk mendidik dan membesarkan anak secara maksimal.

Sebagai salah satu brand kontrasepsi yang turut mendukung dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam menyukseskan program KB di Indonesia, Kontrasepsi Andalan hadir untuk menginspirasi wanita Indonesia akan pentingnya perencanaan kehamilan. Upaya tersebut telah dilakukan oleh Kontrasepsi Andalan di antaranya dengan menyediakan berbagai macam jenis dan pilihan metode kontrasepsi, antara lain IUD, implan, pil, KB suntik, dan juga kondom.

Saat ini, Kontrasepsi Andalan juga telah menghadirkan sebagai website panduan dalam menentukan metode kontrasepsi modern yang tepat bagi Anda. Mengingat hingga saat ini, masih banyak pasangan yang memiliki keterbatasan pengetahuan dan masih termakan mitos serta miskonsepsi seputar alat kontrasepsi, maka melalui web ini akan memberikan informasi yang benar dan tepat terkait dengan kontrasepsi. merupakan one stop information website mengenai wawasan kontrasepsi yang cocok untuk dikunjungi bagi Anda yang sedang belajar mengenai perencanaan kehamilan, dan ingin merencanakan program KB dalam waktu dekat”, ujar Aditya menegaskan.

Wanita adalah pondasi utama untuk perencanaan keluarga yang bahagia, dan dengan berkontrasepsi dapat membantu mewujudkan hal tersebut.

Hari Populasi Sedunia 2017: Gunakan Kondom Sebagai Dual Proteksi

Perayaan hari populasi sedunia menjadi momentum untuk menilik balik keberhasilan program Keluarga Berencana di Indonesia. Berdasarkan laporan terakhir PBB tahun 2017, jumlah populasi masyarakat dunia akan mencapai 9,8 milyar pada tahun 2050. Sedangkan Indonesia diperkirakan akan menjadi negara terbesar ke sembilan penyumbang pertumbuhan populasi tersebut. Saat ini, penguatan kontrasepsi sedang menjadi salah satu perhatian oleh Pemerintah untuk mengatasi isu populasi. Salah satunya melalui program Kondom Dual Proteksi.

“Sebagai salah satu alat kontrasepsi yang terjangkau dan efektif untuk mencegah kehamilan, kondom dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan favorit bagi pasangan dalam berkontrasepsi. Bahkan jika Anda telah menggunakan alat kontrasepsi lainnya, kondom masih penting untuk digunakan guna menjaga diri dari Infeksi Menular Seksual maupun HIV” Ungkap Pierre Frederick, Deputy GM Consumer Healthcare Unit PT. DKT International.

Program Kondom Dual Proteksi yang dititik-beratkan pada pasangan usia subur dan pasangan yang telah terinfeksi HIV dan IMS (Infeksi Menular Seksual) agar tidak menular ini, seharusnya lebih digalakkan lagi oleh masyarakat. Mengingat jumlah pengguna kondom di Indonesia saat ini masih belum meningkat secara signifikan, yaitu 3,16 persen dari jumlah pasangan usia subur peserta KB aktif.

Selain itu, Pierre yang juga membawahi Kondom Sutra dan Kondom Fiesta menambahkan “Lebih dari 80% orang yang terinfeksi HIV dan IMS disebabkan oleh aktivitas seksual yang berisiko. Untuk itu, sudah seharusnya menjadi perhatian bahwa promosi program Keluarga Berencana yang selama ini hanya menekankan pada pencegahan terhadap kehamilan, harus mulai lebih ditekankan dengan upaya untuk mencegah diri agar terhindar dari HIV dan IMS. Mengingat masyarakat Indonesia belum banyak memperoleh informasi akan pentingnya hal tersebut”.

Masyarakat yang masih menganggap tabu akan pendidikan seksual; Stigma terhadap orang yang membeli kondom; Hingga keengganan para lelaki memakai kondom merupakan beberapa kendala penyebab kurang berhasilnya program Kondom Dual Proteksi.

Selain itu, berikut beberapa keunggulan yang bisa didapat ketika masyarakat menggunakan kondom sebagai alat kontrasepsi:

  • 99 % efektif mencegah kehamilan bila digunakan dengan benar
  • Aman, praktis dan sangat terjangkau
  • Tidak memiliki risiko hormonal, juga tidak mengganggu kesehatan
  • Tidak mengganggu produksi ASI
  • Tidak memerlukan resep dokter atau pemeriksaan khusus sebelum digunakan
  • Semua orang dapat memakainya, karena penggunaan lateks memiliki risiko minimal
  • Dapat mengurangi risiko infeksi HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
  • Memberikan dorongan kepada lelaki untuk ikut ber-KB
  • Dapat meningkatkan keharmonisan rumah tangga, karena saat ini kondom yang beredar dipasaran memiliki berbagai fitur dan fungsi yang inovatif untuk meningkatkan keintiman

DKT International terus berupaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap pentingnya penggunaan kondom di Indonesia melalui Sutra dan Fiesta. “Manfaat kondom sebagai metode kontrasepsi yang terjangkau, mudah digunakan, aman, dan tidak memiliki risiko hormonal menjadi alasan mengapa alat kontrasepsi ini dapat menjadi pilihan favorit bagi pasangan” Tutup Pierre.

Pada tahun 2017 ini, DKT International juga telah mengkampanyekan ‘Ubah Hidup Lo’ sebagai kampanye sosial untuk mendidik masyarakat Indonesia mengenai pentingnya langkah pencegahan diri terhadap HIV dengan TTM (Tahan Diri, Tetap Setia, Main Aman).

Ubah Hidup Lo dengan ‘TTM’

Kurangnya kesadaran dan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai bahaya virus HIV dan Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) lainnya membuat Sutra mengusung Ubah Hidup Lo (#UbahHidupLo) sebagai kampanye sosial di tahun 2017. Seperti diketahui bahwa penyebaran HIV serta IMS lainnya di Indonesia semakin meningkat pada masyarakat umum, tidak terkecuali pada kalangan Ibu Rumah Tangga. Salah satu hal yang memicu fenomena tersebut adalah rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya perilaku hidup sehat, serta minimnya akses untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan mengenai bahaya penyebaran sekaligus pencegahan virus HIV dan IMS di Indonesia.

“Kalau biasanya kita mengenal istilah ABC (Abstinence, Be Faithful, Use a Condom), kali ini Kami mengemas langkah pencegahan tersebut dengan pendekatan yang berbeda agar lebih mudah di mengerti dan dengan menggunakan slogan yang sudah dikenal di masyarakat yaitu TTM: Tahan Diri dengan tidak melakukan hubungan seksual sebelum menikah; selanjutnya Tetap Setia dengan pasangan Anda; dan yang terakhir, Main Aman atau selalu menggunakan kondom pada saat melakukan hubungan seksual berisiko” Ungkap Daniel Tirta, Brand Manager Kondom Sutra.

Lebih lanjut Daniel menjelaskan “Kampanye #UbahHidupLo bertujuan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat agar mengubah gaya hidup menjadi lebih sehat. #UbahHidupLo pertama kali diluncurkan pada Januari lalu di media digital melalui sebuah video infografik, dan berhasil menempati trending topic twitter nomor 1 di Indonesia. Selain itu, saat ini kami juga melakukan kegiatan sosialisasi #UbahHidupLo di beberapa daerah di Indonesia dengan bekerja-sama bersama Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) dan aparat setempat. Diharapkan, semua unsur yang terlibat dapat memberikan kontribusi yang berarti untuk memutus mata rantai penularan virus HIV dan IMS”.

“Sesuai dengan tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDG 2030), Kementerian Kesehatan RI telah menargetkan untuk menurunkan angka infeksi baru HIV pada tahun 2030, menurunkan angka kematian terkait HIV, serta menghapus stigma terkait dengan HIV-AIDS di Indonesia. Untuk itu, Sutra perlu untuk mendukung pemerintah dalam menyukseskan tujuan global tersebut melalui kampanye #UbahHidupLo ini” ungkap Daniel menjelaskan.

Kegiatan sosialisasi #UbahHidupLo rencananya akan dilakukan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia di sepanjang tahun 2017. Pada bulan Maret hingga April 2017 ini, Sutra telah menyasar populasi berisiko yang berada di pelabuhan pulau Jawa di antaranya: Tanjung Priok, Sunda Kelapa, Tanjung Mas, Tanjung Perak, Cirebon, serta Pelabuhan Merak. Sedangkan pada bulan Juli hingga Oktober 2017  mendatang, program ini juga akan dilaksanakan di pelabuhan di pulau Sumatra, Sulawesi, Bali, NTT, dan Kalimantan. Kegiatan sosialisasi tersebut dikemas dengan pendekatan edutainment agar mudah dipahami oleh masyarakat. Selain itu Kondom Sutra juga membagikan materi edukasi berupa komik dan brosur mengenai bahaya dan pencegahan virus HIV dan IMS lainnya.

Sebagai brand terdepan di Indonesia yang selalu peduli terhadap isu pencegahan HIV, Kondom Sutra selalu berupaya melakukan sosialisasi pencegahan HIV-AIDS serta IMS di kalangan masyarakat umum, seperti capacity building terhadap upaya penanggulangan HIV-AIDS di Indonesia kepada seluruh stakeholder baik LSM, Pemerintah, maupun Aparat; Mendorong pengetahuan tentang bahaya HIV dan IMS melalui media massa; serta memberikan kemudahan keterjangkauan kondom untuk kalangan menengah ke bawah.

“Melalui #UbahHidupLo, Kami berharap dapat menginspirasi masyarakat Indonesia untuk dapat mengubah perilaku menjadi lebih sehat” tutup Daniel.

Tonton infografik #UbahHidupLo pada link berikut:

The Significance of Postpartum IUD Insertion

Five million births take place annually in Indonesia. However, only less than 30 percent of mothers immediately decide for Family Planning. Meanwhile, the Postpartum Family Planning have a significant effect to decrease the Mother Mortality Rate (MMR), increase a long-term contraceptive users figure. Therefore, Andalan Contraceptives and JNPK-KR held Training for Medical Trainers, i.e. “Provincial Postpartum IUD TOT”in March 2017. The training is aimed to improve the competence of medical personnel (physicians and midwives) on postpartum IUD insertion. It was held in Semarang, Serang, Makassar, Jakarta, and Medan and supported by the Health Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia, BKKBN, POGI, and IBI. Medical trainers from the regency level and trainers of Pusat Pelatihan Klinis Sekunder (P2KS), as the network of JNPK-KR, joined this training.

Basuki Dwi Harjanto, Family Planning & Reproductive Health Deputy GM of DKT Indonesia, who also heads Andalan Contraceptives, revealed that “Many Indonesian women lack in understanding the significance of Postpartum birth control. IUD is one of the best birth control methods which can be used postpartum, due to its effectiveness, safety, and comfort. Thus, Andalan introduces the IUD insertion method using an inserter, i.e. a more practical, easier, and more sterile method.”

“This Provincial Postpartum IUD TOT continues the National TOT and is aimed to create reliable, knowledgeable and skillful trainers, especially on the postpartum IUD insertion. In the future, these trainers are expected to have an action plan in order to socialize this new method to providers on their respective place,” explained Basuki.

Such event taught trainers a technique to insert the IUD Andalan Tcu 380A Postpartum using a special inserter. This inserter eliminates the need for a forceps in inserting IUD. Therefore, it makes the Postpartum IUD insertion easier and results on a safer and more sterile final result. By a correct inserter method, the IUD expulsion figure can decrease for the postpartum birth control participants.

“Along this time, a conventional IUD inserter does not have any sufficient length to reach the post-partum fundus uteri. So, we need other instrument to assist in inserting the IUD into the uterus. Moreover, a convention IUD string is too short to be seen following the postpartum IUD insertion. This IUD Andalan Tcu 380A Postpartum can answer such problem,” added Basuki.

“Pilihanku” (My Choice) Programme, have a mission to improve the Indonesian people’s knowledge on choices of contraceptive tools, medicines, and methods, including post-partum Family Planning. The “Pilihanku” Programme is also aimed to improve the long-term IUD and Implant use in Indonesia.

“In developing countries, such Indonesia, many people do not know that they have various available contraceptives in an affordable price. Meanwhile, the use of contraceptives is a significant factor to plan a happy and prosperous family,” concluded Basuki.

Confused How to Explain About Reproductive Health to Your Teenagers? Here Comes the Solution!

Talking about sexual and reproductive health is a problem commonly avoided by most parents. They still feel it is taboo to discuss on such issue with their teenagers. Meanwhile, parents should become the best friend of their teenagers, especially related to the sexual and reproductive education. Thus, DKT Indonesia presents the “Safety Can Be Fun” Sexual Health Training Booklet to facilitate Indonesian parents in preparing their teenagers, especially on the understanding of the sexual and reproductive health.

“Based on our most recent research, it is important for parents to discuss the sexual and reproductive health with their teenagers using an informal approach. However, teenagers are not comfortable to discuss such issues with their parents and vice versa. In addition, parents may not know the proper approach to initiate the discussion. It makes teenagers very vulnerable to incorrect information on sexual and reproductive issues. Furthermore, they may also be trapped in the false question or myth, as they prefer to search information on the internet or share their thoughts with their peers, who have the same problem of lacking knowledge on the sexual and reproductive health” explained Sutan Musa, Brand Manager in DKT Indonesia.

Pierre Frederick as the Deputy GM of DKT Indonesia added “DKT Indonesia is a social marketing organization aimed to improve public awareness on the importance of a healthy life through the successful Family Planning and HIV-AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections prevention programme. So, we are responsible to continuously assist the government in educating people on the importance of sexual and reproductive health in Indonesia. Besides, our respective communication activity always emphasizes on the importance of Abstinence approach as an early prevention”.

“Nowadays, teenagers have indeed learned about the sexual and reproductive health in schools. However, such topic is usually discussed merely on the biological or theoretical side. The schools do not discuss the sexual and reproductive health in details or from the psychological point of view. Meanwhile, an informal approach from parents to their teenagers is really important. So, teenagers can be more open and have a close tie to their parents. Therefore, parents can protect their teenagers from a risky behavior. Plus, internet access is very easy now. We must not let Indonesian youth to get Sexual Education from a wrong source,” added Pierre.

During the Safety Can Be fun media meeting, Usep Solehuddin as the Secretary of Yayasan Pelita Ilmu and a Public Health Expert stated that “The knowledge level of Indonesian teenagers on the sexual and reproductive health is still low, especially on how to protect themselves against the reproductive health risks, such as a psychological change triggered by hormone. Here the parents should come to rescue. They should guide their children by becoming a good sounding board. Correct information on sexual education is very important to increase the understanding and protect teenagers. So, they can think before taking any actions”.

Using easily comprehended language and engaging visual ads, the “Safety Can Be Fun” Sexual Health Training Booklet is an alternative for parents, who want to discuss the sexual and reproductive health with their teenagers. The Booklet provides several important materials on the sexual education, such as:

a) Information on the reproductive health,
b) Information on physical and emotional changes,
c) Hormonal changes on teenagers and how to cope with them,
d) Safe dating for teenagers,
e) Information on Sexually Transmitted Infections (IMS)
f) And suggestions to “Think before Act”

In addition, parents can choose suitable materials for their teenagers.

“By this Booklet, we hope that we can help to facilitate parents in discussing the sexual and reproductive health with their teenagers So, Indonesian youngsters can protect themselves with the positive reproductive health information and disseminate such positive information to other persons” added Pierre.

Download the “Safety Can Be Fun” Sexual Health Training Booklet via this link:

Family Planning and Cancer Prevention

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death for women. Breast, cervical, and ovarian cancers are the most common among Indonesian women. Many widespread myths claim that the use of long-term hormonal contraceptives increase the cancer risk. Is it true?.

Family Planning & Reproductive Health Deputy GM of DKT Indonesia who also manages the Andalan Contraceptives, Basuki Dwi Harjanto explained, “Myths on the effect of hormonal contraceptives to the increase of cancer risk are not entirely true. There has been no adequate study to explain such claim. Basically, a woman’s risk of developing the cancer will increase if she has a family history of cancer and does not maintain a healthy lifestyle”. “We are proud to be supported by the Ministry of Health, the Indonesia’s National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN), National AIDS Comission (KPAN), Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI), and other governmental institutions as we work towards our mutual goals set by Family Planning 2020,” says Juan Enrique Garcia, DKT Indonesia Country Director.

“Studies show that the use of contraceptives will improve a woman’s health because they may reduce risks of ovarian cancer, acne, endometriosis, and help to diminish anemia” Basuki added.

Woman’s high estrogen and progestin hormone level may indeed initiate the growth of cancerous cells. However, cancer is triggered by complex and multi factors. They will not develop from one factor only. In addition, high-estrogen-content hormonal contraceptives have no longer been marketed since 1980s. Therefore, widely marketed hormonal contraceptives nowadays contain a low level of hormone and they are safe to use.

Following is a guideline to choose the safe contraceptive method which may assist you in reducing cancer risks:

  • If you intend to take a hormonal contraceptive in pills, choose contraceptive pills which contain a low estrogen and progestin level such as Andalan Laktasi which safe for breastfeeding mothers and Andalan FE for an active woman to help you substitute the iron deficiency during menstruation period. The ideal content of estrogen is around 0.03 mg Ethinylestradiol and Progrestin is about 0.15 mg levonorgestrel or 0.5 mg linestrenol.
  • If you choose IUD, take non-hormonal IUD such as IUD Andalan TCu 380A Safe Load or IUD Silverline. In addition to be effective and efficient, a long-term contraceptive like IUD does not affect any breast milk production and quality. Thus, it is safe for breastfeeding mothers.
  • Understand first your body character before you choose your contraceptive and do not forget your body’s hormonal structure.

“Principally, the contraceptives effect is different for each woman. Thus, to know the most suitable contraceptive method, you have to consult your obgyn or midwife first. They may help you to decide your medical eligibility criteria for contraception based on your genetic factor and lifestyle” Basuki wrapped up the conversation.

Besides your health, you should also consider the quality, affordability, and comfort factors before you choose a contraceptive. You may look further and compare to find your best contraceptive at or

DKT Indonesia Supports “Sehat Indonesiaku, Sejahtera Negeriku” Conference Strengthening Commitment to United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and Celebrates 20-Year Anniversary

DKT Indonesia, established to increase access to family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention, celebrates its 20-year anniversary as one of the largest Social Marketing programs in the world. By hosting the “SEHAT INDONESIAKU, SEJAHTERA NEGERIKU” (Healthy Indonesia, Prosper State) conference on January 19th, 2017, DKT Indonesia strengthens its commitment to realize the Health and Well-Being indicators set by the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 2030).

“We are proud to be supported by the Ministry of Health, the Indonesia’s National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN), National AIDS Comission (KPAN), Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI), and other governmental institutions as we work towards our mutual goals set by Family Planning 2020,” says Juan Enrique Garcia, DKT Indonesia Country Director.

Since 1996, DKT Indonesia has sold 1.6 billion condoms and in 2016 served nearly 8.3 million couples throughout the Indonesian archipelago, with a cumulative reach of more than 76 million couples (CYP).

DKT Indonesia launches its latest digital contraceptive education platform: the website as the guideline of the Family Planning programme in Indonesia to help improving the active Family Planning participants figure; the #UbahHidupLo infographic as an effort to encourage people adopting a healthy lifestyle, and improve the understanding on the dangers of HIV-AIDS; And in the near future DKT Indonesia is planning to develop sexual health training module “Safety Can Be Fun”.

“We appreciate DKT Indonesia’s 20-year health and well-being efforts in the area of family planning and HIV-AIDS prevention to achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia,” says Dr. Eni Gustina, MPH, Director of the Family Health Directorate General of Public Health, Indonesia Ministry of Health.

GM Reproductive Health & Contraceptive Business Unit of DKT Indonesia, Aditya A. Putra revealed, “During these 20 years, DKT Indonesia has successfully walked together with millions of Indonesian couples and families to create reliable next generations and quality families by its Andalan Contraceptives. And we managed to contribute 18% to the Family Planning prevalence figure in Indonesia”.

Deputy GM Condom Business Unit of PT. DKT International, Pierre Frederick added, “Many steps have been taken to make the HIV-AIDS prevention program successful including the provision of various affordable condom choices like, Sutra, and Fiesta for medium, high, to low-income groups. In addition, we emphasize the importance of three approaches: Abstinence, Be Faithful, and Use a Condom.”

“As the social marketing pioneer in Indonesia, we hope that our new digital and social platforms will continue to help improve awareness and spark behavior change to create a ‘healthy and prosperous Indonesia” adds Juan Enrique Garcia.

See the complete of DKT Indonesia’s campaign in

Berkendara Aman, Seks Juga harus Aman

-Sutra Ajak Komunitas Pengendara Motor untuk Peduli Lewat BIKERS FIGHT AGAINST AIDS-

Angka orang yang terinfeksi HIV-AIDS di Indonesia saat ini terus mengalami peningkatan. Pada tahun 2014-2015 misalnya, terdapat 3.382 kasus penderita baru HIV-AIDS setiap bulannya, atau sama dengan 120 kasus per hari dan lima kasus penderita baru setiap jam. Sedangkan jumlah rasio penderita HIV-AIDS antara laki-laki dan perempuan adalah 2 banding 1, yang berarti bahwa mayoritas penderita HIV-AIDS di Indonesia adalah laki-laki.

Sebagai merek kondom nomor 1 di Indonesia, Sutra merasa perlu untuk terus mengkampanyekan Seks Aman dan Sehat kepada masyarakat Indonesia, serta menginisiasi kegiatan-kegiatan positif demi terwujudnya Indonesia Sehat – Indonesia bebas HIV-AIDS. Atas dasar tersebut, pada tahun 2016 ini melalui Sutra OK, salah satu varian Kondom Sutra yang memiliki target pasar Pria/Laki-laki dewasa, membuat sebuah terobosan baru dalam mengkampanyekan mengenai seks aman dan sehat bertajuk ‘BIKERS FIGHT AGAINST AIDS’.

Ditemui disela kegiatan sosialisasi BIKERS FIGHT AGAINTS AIDS di ajang Bursa Motor Indonesia 2016 yang berlangsung di Parkir Timur Senayan, Daniel Tirta selaku Brand Manager Sutra menjelaskan “Kampanye BIKERS FIGHT AGAINST AIDS bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman serta meningkatkan kesadaran komunitas bikers Indonesia untuk mengenal dan memahami bahaya HIV-AIDS dan IMS (Infeksi Menular Seksual) ke kalangan para bikers yang didominasi oleh pria macho atau lelaki dewasa di Indonesia. Harapan kami, dengan pemahaman akan bahaya yang ditimbulkan dari perilaku yang beresiko, mereka juga dapat meneruskan informasi ini ke orang lain dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, maupun dalam kegiatan komunitas. Sehingga seterusnya akan semakin menurunkan angka penyebaran HIV-AIDS di Indonesia”.

Acara Bursa Motor Indonesia 2016 ini diperkirakan dihadiri oleh 300 komunitas yang terdiri dari 5000 bikers. “Kami berharap, di tahun 2017 akan lebih banyak komunitas bikers yang bekerjasama dengan Sutra sebagai komunitas yang sadar dan mengerti akan bahaya HIV-AIDS dan Infeksi Menular Seksual, juga menjadi ujung tombak dalam penyebaran informasi tersebut. Dengan kegiatan para bikers yang melakukan touring keluar kota, maka penjangkauan dan penyebaran informasi mengenai HIV-AIDS akan semakin luas dan maksimal” Tutup Daniel.

Sesuai karakteristik dari produknya, Sutra OK merupakan kondom yang dilengkapi dengan pelumas khusus yang membuat pria kuat dan tahan lama, sehingga dapat memperpanjang durasi keintiman dengan pasangan. Sutra OK merupakan kondom impor yang lulus uji elektronis dan memenuhi Standar Mutu International Tertinggi ISO 4074 untuk perlidungan, kenyamanan dan keamanan yang maksimal. Untuk itu, Sutra merasa perlu untuk terus melakukan inovasi-inovasi dalam mengkampanyekan Seks Aman Dan Sehat kepada masyarakat Indonesia dan menginisiasi kegiatan-kegiatan demi terwujudnya Indonesia Sehat–Indonesia bebas HIV-AIDS.

The Importance of Condoms in HIV-AIDS Prevention Efforts in Indonesia

While other Asia Pacific countries experience a decline in the number of people affected by HIV/AIDS, Indonesia’s figure has steadily increased within the most recent five-year period, i.e. 2010-2015. In fact, according to the data from the Ministry of Health, it is reported that the highest percentage of HIV risk factors in Indonesia is due to unprotected sexual intercourse. This fact is a wake-up call for us that there is a lack of public awareness on the importance of condom use. The consistent and correct use of the male latex condom is expected to support the government’s commitment to break the HIV-AIDS dissemination chains in Indonesia, which is in line with the objective of Sustainable Development Goals.

Deputy General Manager of PT. DKT International’s Condoms Business Unit,who is also in charge for Sutra and Fiesta Condoms, Pierre Fredericks revealed that “The awareness to use condoms and be a responsible partner should be more important, rather than letting the ego out to perform unprotected sex, which is feared to be risky for you and your partner. Therefore, the HIV prevention programs in Indonesia are currently aimed to give a significant priority to the importance of condom use; as condoms are the only contraceptives which can protect you from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections”.

“In fact, by using condoms consistently and correctly, you and your partner will be more protected. By using a condom, you will become a reliable man. This is especially important considering the number of the public members who are infected with HIV” Pierre added.

The increasing number of HIV-AIDS in Indonesia should become a concern and further actions should be taken. Awareness and other activities to educate about the importance of prevention and safe sex will reduce the transmissions in order to protect yourself and your partner.

DKT International continuously strives to raise awareness on the importance of condom use for public health, through two main brands: Sutra and Fiesta Condoms. Various initiatives have been made by DKT International to raise the awareness and change people’s behavior, including social campaigns via mass media, whether they are electronic, print or digital, media socialization by involving communities, and educational campaigns by distributing information and materials on the dangers of HIV-AIDS and Sexual Transmitted Infections to various regions in Indonesia, especially in high-risk areas.

The HIV-AIDS prevention initiatives should be emphasized on several sectors related to the condom availability and use, such as:

  • Give more attention to behavioral change methodologies, which are directed to the self-risk perception.
  • Consolidate the condom distribution for key groups and cut short the condom distribution chains for risk groups.

In order to improve the public awareness and behavioral change, DKT International applies several social marketing strategies to provide various condom choices under an affordable price scheme for all segments, from middle, upper, and even lower class people.

“In each activity, we always emphasize the importance of three approaches: first is Abstinence, second is Be Faithful, and the last one is always use a Condom” Pierre concluded.

By the improvement of prevention efforts, it is expected that we can terminate the HIV epidemic within the public and family life.

Non Hormonal Contraception and Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast cancer is still a major health problem for women in the world, including Indonesia. The commemoration of International Pink Ribbon Day every October 26, arouse us on the importance of healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of the major leading cause of death from cancer each year in Indonesia. One of the myth mentioned the use of oral contraceptives may increase the risk of breast cancer in women. Is it true?

Group GM Reproductive Health & Contraceptive Business Unit DKT Indonesia and Andalan Products, Aditya A. Putra reveals “Study about the connection between oral contraceptive use and the risk of breast cancer is still become a debate. Therefore, women who have the risk factors for breast cancer are not advisable to use the hormonal birth control”.

He further explains “Women with obesity, get a history of breast cancer in her family, often consume alcohol, smoke and rarely to exercise, included in the group with high risk factors. A prolonged use of hormone therapy may enhance the possibility of developing breast cancer. But nowadays, for women who had used birth control pills should not be afraid, because birth control pills are now produced with lower dose”.

“If worried about the hormonal effects, Intra Uterine Devices could represent an effective and efficient option. IUD does not contain hormones, so it will not increases the risk of breast cancer. IUD can also be a suitable choice for nursing mothers, because it does not affect the breast milk quality, as one of the benefits of breastfeeding could reduce the risk of breast cancer” closed Pak Aditya.

Here are some tips to consider in choosing contraceptive method, to reduce the risk of breast cancer:

  • Use a non-hormonal contraceptives such as IUDs Andalan TCu 380A Safe Load or Silverline IUD, as well as contraceptive that contains lower estrogen hormones
  • Choose a long-term contraceptive method which is more effective and efficient way to prevent pregnancy, and does not interfere with infertility
  • In addition to safe and practical, long-term contraceptive methods just like IUD does not affect the production and quality of breast milk, so it is safe to use for breastfeeding mothers
  • Consult with your Andalan’s midwife or obstetrician

The study shows that the use of contraception will actually improve the health of a woman, with some benefits including reducing the risk of ovarian cancer, reduce acne, reduce the risk of endometriosis, as well as help to reduce anemia.

Raising the Awareness of Contraceptive Use in Indonesia

World Contraception Day which was fell on September 26, became the momentum to re-evaluate the public awareness of contraceptive use in Indonesia, which is the fourth most populous country in the world with a population about 259.4 million people. It is estimated, in 2050, Indonesia experienced a population surge as much as 40% which is about 360 million people. It is evocate the importance of contraceptive use to the success of the family planning’s program, which led to the quality of family well-being in many aspects.

Director DKT International, Juan Enrique , reveals “Currently, the percentage of married women using modern contraception in Indonesia still not meet the target of Sustainable Development Goals, which is 60% of the target 65%. While the maternal mortality rate is still high which is 126 cases of the target 102 cases”.

“On the other hand, the numbers of unmet need for family planning is still 8.5 percent of 5 percent as target” continues Mr. Garcia.Furthermore, the Director of DKT International adds “One of the main causes of Indonesia not achieving the target of SDGs in terms of contraception is a myth that the birth control has an effect on women’s health. In fact, the assumption is wrong. Contraception helps to improve the health of a mother and her children”.

Research has demonstrated that the contraception is the simplest investment in family planning to save people’s lives and dramatically improve the quality of maternal and child health. On a global scale, contraception is playing the most important role across-sectors and contribute the most to the long-term of sustainable development goals. In short, with family planning and birth spacing, we could increase the economic welfare of the family, the community, as well as the nation.

Through its organization, DKT International, which is present in Indonesia since 1996 has helped change the paradigm of family planning by using social marketing, and contributing about 18 percent of the family planning prevalence figures in Indonesia. In 2015, DKT International managed to achieve the target of 7.731 million CYP (Couple Years Protection), with a cumulative that reaches more than 68 million CYP.

Like most women’s beauty products, promotional campaigns of modern contraceptives should be packed with an easy style to understand and be able to attract people to use it. With various types of contraceptive products i.e. Andalan, Sutra Condoms and Fiesta Condoms, DKT expect to increase the public awareness of Indonesia’s contraceptive use for the realization of sustainable development goals and improve the quality of life for the better future.